Students In Resistance

“Students in Resistance” is a newsletter published by students from University of Nottingham Malaysia (UNMC).
“Students in Resistance” is a newsletter published by students from University of Nottingham Malaysia (UNMC). It’s a platform, a laboratory – experimental, organic, purposive, nameless, of students views and commentaries.
According to designer, Tan Zi Hao, the stylistic influence of this particular project, was inspired by Paula Scher’s Public Theatre’s posters and Barbara Kruger’s typographic artworks. It also refers to the works of Jonathan Barnbrook, Zuzana Licko (Émigre) and Neville Brody.
“The text is our weapon” is something that the group strongly upholds and therefore most of the illustrations were highly typographic, as if one were extracting “images” from the text itself. The treatment is conservative, employing a rather strict textualist reading.
However, the visual representation also creates distinctiveness to the voice(s) amidst a mundane academic environment, in this case sub-culture and postmodern aesthetics of the 90s, it creates that identity without adumbrating the diversity of the writers. And due to budget constraint, the zines is in black and white, so one needs to be very playful and sensitive with types, space and forms to get the most out of a B&W composition.
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